
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Comfortable online and offline

After i get into fandom, i start to get to know alot of people online. i encounter various type of people, funny, nice, like to tease, hot tempered, etc…
i want to introduce you some of them!!

1. Becktdennis/bett a.k.a mrs. choi seunghyun (very comfortable online and offline)
i met bett 4times already. i chat with her alot in mykpop chatbox about bigbang, she’s the one who always give me news about bigbang back then. later…i met her for the first time at U-kiss’s fanmeeting, we changed number at that time. Im glad i met her at that time, we become closer day by day because i love Jiyong and she loves top.
our relationship is kinda weird, except for our man we have alot of things in common. last night conversation between me and her were the most weirdest, i said i want a twin(boygirl) and she said she want twin(boygirl) too. Then i said i want to name the boy daniel, and she said she wanna name her son daniel too. O.M.G, we got alot of things in common, so far i only found 2 things that differ us;
1. i love jiyong oppa. she loves TOP oppa
2. i have ridiculous amount of jealousy but she got none!!
she said.. we are connected by soul..i love that^^ she’s like a sister to me. She wrote fanfic for me, she listen to me everytime i talk about Jiyong, when i said how much i love him, when i complain how much i hate it when he got a girl in Bigbang’s/his MV. Everything… for bett.. layan..she’s really ‘layan’ what i said. well i bet even my roommate tired of me talking about Jiyong but bett never seems tired to listen to it.
Bett is my Bigbang guru, as well as my ‘life’ guru, also chinese guru. Bett is like my real sister.. thx for being my friend^^ Bett, i love you~!!
1. Race Im. (very confortable online)
i first met her in myhottest if im not mistaken, then i add her at facebook. Race is someone who i can say anything, and whine like stupid girl/teenage. She’s will listen everything what i said, we usually chat in facebook or MSN!! i listen to her stories alot too^^ because i like to listen them.
Race is my ZE:A guru, not to mention she’s also my private tutor for mandarin, everytime i got mandarin test im gonna find her and chat with her in mandarin!!
Im taitai (mrs. IM) you are in my list. because i never meet her face to face, i don’t know if i’ll still be confortable with her or not… let’s see after i meet her someday.
ps: race, i wish you having safe journey to korea today. and enjoy your trip^^
2. Nur a.k.a mykpop admin (comfortable online)
Nur is someone who i comfortable to talk online. i met her once, but it was too short, haven’t get a chance to talk to her much. This dongsaeng really good at listen to other’s opinion. She’s the admin of mykpop after all.. i hope i can meet her again soon^^
3. Yuuna…a.k.a mykpop admin too (comfortable online and offline)
Yuuna, i met her once during digi live kpop party. Eventhough we met there for the 1st time but don’t feel awkward at all, because she’s friendly..^^ i don’t talk online with her much. i do hope to meet this cute dongsaeng again^^
4. Shiema (comfortable online)
Shiema, i met her .. i lost count okay. alot of times i think. She’s a very good friend, but i better talk to her offline because she loves to tease me…nope!! teasing me is her habit! she just couldn’t stop teasing me.. especially when comes to Dongho, eventhough Dongho is not her bias~!!
Shiema, now you can tease me about DOngho as much as you want, because now i only love Jiyong~!! Haha
5. lizzy (comfortable offline)
i met her during the Digi Live kpop party, once i meet her she just tak to me like that was not our first meeting each other. She’s cute, and tall.. (well.. im the short one actually) . i hope i can meet her again..
6. ryzal (comfortable online)
He once my adeul, but now he call me noona instead of omma because people tend to feel weird about it and i tired of explaining to them. Well.. he’s someone who i talked alot at old mykpop, nice dongsaeng. but i haven’t meet him even once so i don’t know if we gonna be awkward after meeting each other or not.
That’s all for now.. i type to much i think.. no emoticon today because im too lazy to put one by one.
to those i don’t mention, im sorry.. but these are name that come to my mind first. No matter what I love you all…
good night everyone^^

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