
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The wonderful story and cruel story of U-kiss Fanmeet 100619

i know it’s kind a late, the fan account of the fanmeet are all over the net, but this is my story, must be a little different from others…
i dun remember what time i reach there, but there’s a group of girls dance to bingeul2 there when i reach there.

then i saw shiema..but she’s too busy to answer my question who was so ‘terpinga2’ e111de78 thinkin wut should i do? where can i get my tee bla3..
then i saw my-kissu admin, so i go there to get my tic, tee and lightstick. i met a couple of stuff i remember wonderjoo(not sure if i spell her name correctly) was there. after i got my tee, i change..of course la~heheh_thumb the tee was so comfortabled16c4689, jersey type fabric was a very jjang choice! thx to who ever suggest it..3ca8b998
then..i also met erica, aki, erica told me that geneses will help us with the flyers, so i dun have to worry bout that154218d4. when i was wonder around, someone tegur me..asking bout dongho’s birthday surprise cards..etc..3ca8b998
she end up to be stephenie.. she react when i told her my name..wah~ 4e5dd44ashe made me like a super star..LOL…onionheademoticon15_thumb
then i met a girl, she’s only i chitchatin with her…she dunno about the existing of my-kissu and mykpop…so i asked for her that i can send her the link..and i did emailed her the link on the next day..YAY!! i promoted 2 forums that i love..huhu^^th_100_

i entered the hall..O.O wow..its big..then i found my seat..i think i lucky because i got the center seat…!! yes3..!!47gsdc51
in the hall i met bett(beckdennis)!! lucky…thx god i was so x malu to tegur her54bd3bbb, we exchanged number..huhu..talked alot too..and sings to ukiss songs.
till ryan came out…the we were calling for UKISS!!! it’s so exciting…onion-head67
the 7 boys came out…i can see them so clearly!! are so skinny!! i love xander’s hair..Dongho …of course cute..he’s looks taller than i ever imagine, i love his body..looks balance.. keep in fit ya Dongho..onionheademoticon22_thumb

the game..arg..i was so jealous…058e8b09
Dongho; where’s my name?? i dun see my name
i tell you guys..he was so cute when he said that..baa60776OMG…i cant believe he can speak english pretty well too^^ Dongho i love you…6f428754
i will make sure i’ll bring big card with Dongho’s name next that he will calling for me.. 4e5dd44a *berangan mood*
Then the Dongho’s birthday surprise..haha..i like it when we all singing happy birthday for him..then also i love how xander kiss himb376052a!! wah~ so lovely..<3 magnae selamanya!!6f428754b376052ab376052a
During the U-kiss performances..i was totally stunned with soohyun voice6f428754, especially in ‘talk to me’d5f02ecdd5f02ecdd5f02ecd..i wonder how he can produce such a high note without crackd5f02ecdd5f02ecdd5f02ecd..while he was dancing too, he’s not tired..Soohyun im officially announce you as one of my bias now!!!6f428754
then the performance that turn all the ice-kacang kiss me into water..
i love kiseop voice although he sing only 2-3 lines..i like that type of voiced5f02ecd, namja voice! then its really good to listen to Dongho and kiseop singing in english..since they got the least lines in their songs.
So jealous with VIP..can get sign from ukiss!!485c3a610eeeff42
then till the time for ace tickets holder to get our cd from ukiss !!
so that the cruel story starts…
when lining’s worst enough..then when i went up to the stage, i put my presents bag on the floor beside kevin along with other kiss me present also since we can’t give it to them directly, i hope he noticed it and take it..or at least geneses take it and bring it along with the present. i took my cd from dongho because he was holding the cd for so long…since two girls infront of me tooks from kevin. he smile at me..he’s so tall compared to me..he’s so cute when he’s smile..i swear i skipped a beat, and totally speechless3df3e2d43df3e2d4…can’t think of what to say except to say his name; Dongho~4519626a
then..the securityc9c19202 push me aside..i flew022b..jinjja ro..then that’s how i missed to see kiseob, kibum, xander and eli face!! kiseob is my bias too..but i dun even got to see his face close up..i cried for itf60952e1..but..luckily Soohyun waved at me..i waved back and bowed at him and mouthed ‘감사합니다’..thanks soohyun…at least you healed my heartbroken a little bit. i was so disappointed 4fd9f2d3704cf8d66184cebafor not able to touch even one finger of them…tired of crying already..4fd9f2d34fd9f2d34fd9f2d34fd9f2d3
then when i was wonder around near the door..after i teman my friend give her present to the security so that they can put it back stage along with all other presents…one securityc9c19202 asked me..
security; dh dpt cd dh?
me; nods
secuirty; dh blh blk, dh hbs dh..buat apa kat sn lg..blk la…(while showing me the wide open door which right infront of me)
nampak sgt nak suh ak blk..kuang ajaq!!!!!63d4808b263d4808b263d4808b263d4808b24d6161fd
but then…i did steps out from that halls..stupid security! but im stupider..why am i followed his words?? stupid me..4fd9f2d34fd9f2d3
other one cruel story about the fanmeet was…there’ 2 boys (chinese) behind me..
i dunno if they are really real fanboys..because if im not mistaken they kept saying (kata2) ‘crazy fans’…i think i kena skali too..when i gave my phone to Baki so that he can talk to my lil is over my phone. although im not good in chinese..but i can feel that they were mengata me!! heyyousonofa_thumb63d4808b263d4808b2
i hope next time things like my cruel story won’t happen’s too frustrating, im sure u-kiss feel the same too.. even soohyun said to the secuirty; pls be careful..
OMG..he’s protecting kiss-me..i love it..6f428754

i think i talked too much..i know its kind sorry..875328cc
i knew i hout around bout how i being pushed..but still talk bout sorry..875328cc
for those who i mised to mention in this fan account im sorry..875328cc
for those who i missed to tegur u guys that day (espcially from mykissu) im sorry..875328cc
i hope we can meet again^^
erm..this is one of my vid.

P1010191 P1010192 P1010193P1010194

this is one of my gift to u-kiss..
유키스 let’s learn BM is a dictionary that i made for them
this is the last page of the dictionary, i promoted My-kissu and My-kpop here
the chopstick…i love the songket..that’s why i bought this for them

wrapped gifts
the dictionary..
the clock
my gifts for ukiss
and this is me..
these are what i can remember for now..i’ll update later with more video n pics when i got better connection.. fadeba4zb210e58c

1 comment:

  1. In general fans want their tickets at discounted prices ; but most of brokers sell their tickets highly priced and more than what they should be. Plus, but some
    tickets ,especially if you check ,you find that they have reasonable prices .Most of people bought them from scalpers years ago tand paid the price twice.what a blast !
