
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shocking news for me..

T^T..that’s what happen to me when the doctor said; your blood type is A+ onion-head47(wait..A+, mblaq fans?? how did she know?? hhahahaa..=.=^ sorry i know it’s a lame jokeonion-head50)
i pay extra rm12 for just to know what is my blood type, fadeba25z i was hoping im a B because im kind a lazy just like Dongho (im not saying this because i like him, but i compared my personalities with him in vampire; just the same!!). onion-head84i was so scared when the young dr. wanna takes my blood. i thought she’s gonna take a little bit only..but she tooks alot!! fadeba41z i know, im not a B type person..but A type..(i wish im a AB like my mom if im not B , gah..both i didn’t get!!e111de78)

i think i wanna check out my personalities..onion-head80          

(i bold n underlines my personalities)

Blood Type A:
Positive Traits: Conservative, introverted, reserved, patientonion-head23, punctual and inclined to be perfectionists. 
Worst Traits: Obsessive, stubborn, self conscious and uptight.
Referred as ‘farmers’ in some descriptions, Type A’s are said to be considerate of others and loyal to a fault. They can also be secretive and reluctant to share their feelings. Apparently they don’t hold their liquor well, either.  

Blood Type B:
Best Traits: Animal-loving, creative, flexible, individualistic, optimistic and passionate.
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible and self-centered. (gosh, i got it all)
Referred to as ‘hunters’, Type B’s have very independent natures and tend not to be concerned about what other people think of them. Although often described as shallow and lazy, they can be quite passionate about the things they hold dear. Patience is not their strong suit either.
Type B men have acquired a very negative reputation in Korea and are not considered by many to be good husband material. Often described as ‘players’, they are perceived as being selfish and mercurial, quick to anger and not terribly reliable. That said, their bad boy image makes them very attractive to women, but not for the long term. (Type B women do not share in this bad rep, for some unexplained reason).

Blood Type AB:
Best Traits: Cool, controlled, empathic, introverted and rational.
Worst Traits: Aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.
Referred to as ‘humanists’, Type AB’s are said to be controlled more by their heads, than by their hearts. They are rational, good with money (OMG..just like my mom..O.O)onion-head24, but unpredictable. Although inclined to be distant, they prefer harmony and as such, work well with mediators. Some consider them two-faced, and therefore untrustworthy.

Blood Type O: onion-head65
Best Traits: Ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident.
Worst Traits: Arrogant, insensitive, ruthless and vain.
Referred to as ‘warriors’, Type O’s are viewed as natural leaders and are often, also, natural athletes. They tend to be outgoing, expressive and passionate, but can also bore others to death with their obsessive drive for success coupled with their absolute convictions that they are winners. This certainty that they will always win explains why they aren’t afraid to take risks or gamble. They have a strong physical presence and are unlikely to ever be overlooked.

Type O:
Type O's are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.

Type A:
While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) *onion-head12so not me=.=^ that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups. They can be shyonion-head45, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitivef60952e1.
Type B:
Goal oriented and strong minded, type B's will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.onionheademoticon19_thumb

Type AB:
Type AB's are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Compatability by Blood Groups:
A is most compatible with A and AB   th_100_ B is most compatible with B and AB
AB is most compatible with AB, B, A and O
O is most compatible with O, and AB

now only i realize, i do have some A type personalities (based on these infos n Ukiss vampire); patient( i can waiting for long), onion-head18  then when something happen i do avoid it to be blame and blame the person who responsible to it, and i do takes note in anything.
But people, although im kind a disappointede111de78 with the result..but i do love it when think of i got the ame blood type with; soohyun, kiseop..and the most important my ultimate hubbyb376052a; mr. kwonjiyong!! 3ca8b998(er..=.=^;; but i do scared if its will be too boring with2 A type)

credits infos from; 



  1. traits for b sumer tembak kter ler..
    uhmm per lagi impatient..
    yg baek skit,
    don't bother with people's comment.
    and optimistic as well passionate??
    heheee.. but perghh saket gler kene tembak ni.

  2. i think B is unique...
    i dunno why, i wsh to be B, because B is lazy!! i love to be lazy...ㅋㅋㅋ

    if i meet soohyun again, i think we can be a good friends!! hahaha..kiseop too...
    but GD my ultimate hubby!! ope he dun mind!! kyaaaa~
