
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Still not let go this show

i know people start to get bored to hear me talk about this show3eb4e7b3, plus..most of you don’t watch this show…auwh~ rugi2 4e5dd44a

i would like to share one of the ep that i like, hehehe..actually i love all the ep but this got u-kiss..huhu

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001615080

u-kiss going to MBC game Hero center.. wah~ handsomenye~ charisma nye~ cd08785a

kibeom bought donuts…huhu…sedap nye^^

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001619584

open the door!! hyungjoon will react?? 200

he don’t know tht kibeom is coming…

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001620719


the brother busy practicing the game

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001621653

ouh?? O.O e0765523

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001626524

yeah baby^^

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001633164 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001636735

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001638703

anyeonghaseyo u-kiss imnida!! 8c460310

OMG!!! shhh….

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001641573

next..hyungjoon did let they come in..then introduce them to the coach!!

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001692991100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001697062

there’s something funny happen tht time hyungjoon said; appa gom nim. LOL..and kibeom continue; hairy..LOL..he got so much guts to say that.

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001707205

then coach lee..a.k.a hyungjoon’s mom in MBCgame Hero

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001714112

hahaha…hyungjoon teacher..kyungjeong a.k.a SHARK!!

he said he’s u-kiss fans..yakah kyungjeong oppa??

Its time to meet the heroes!!

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001762494 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001769968 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001771703

Boseongie…er..i dun remember his game name..erm..SEA kowt..

since he’s same age like kibeom, kibeom already used ‘anyeong’ to him.

he’s a very shy person. so he wont see to the person he talks to..weird…he’s even shows his back to hyungjoon oppa everytime hyungjoon oppa talks to him. people might thought he’s rude, hajiman that how he is..if he’s not turning back he will looking down only…269340_5186708 ish3..

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001777976 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001780278 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001787819

hahaha…poor our koala..they laugh at him..but he’s dont mind.

auwh~ koala know how to dance to i believe manmanhani is actually really popular..haha

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001803234 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001808706 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001812544 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001814746 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001819217 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001823922 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001825590 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001833798

ROFL…hahaha..54bd3bbbi can see that app gom, you really wanna kick oori hyungjoonie oppa out from the team..LOL.

haha…kiseob really interested with the offer.

i know you wanna be pro-gamer..af48944b

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001880979

Hyungjoon oppa asked them to hug appa gom..

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_001884616

hahaha…auh~ its sad dongho is not here..he like game too TT_TT

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002197061 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002205336

MBCgame Hero come to cheer for Hyungjoon oppa..

the one who really close to Hyungjoon oppa are all here… kyungjeong oppa(SHARK), Boseong (SEA), erm..grandfather (PUSAN)..erm..mian..forget his real name..then ukiss appeared..jeng3

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002236000

the first game is about to start. Just before the game start, i heard U-kiss cheer “lee kiseob fighting!!” th_100_

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002299563 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002305736

terran user!! huhu..maybe he can be the next terran king!! if can’t replace im yohwan, can be prince of terran pun okay lah~!!

thanks to this show, i fall in love with this boy!! 04a30356killer smile…~6f428754100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002403934 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002405302 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002406771 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002407938 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002409673

as you can see..OMG..u-kiss was so ‘RIUH’ lah!!

MBCgame Hero???

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002412309 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002413477


100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002542239 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002548546

at this point, Kiseob actually loss already, but he’s not give up and type GG..

tht why the coach said that..LOL

and then he type a very long gg…


100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002565729

they are shocked..maybe he played so badly..i think la~

next..u-kiss cheer for this person th_100_th_100_

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002627758

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002689687 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002693957

LOL..look at xander’s expression..he look like trying so hard to understand the game..mst pening punya lah. because me also dun understand it..i dun think xander play SC before, not even once kot. U-kiss is a group of GG boy, not SC GG (good game=loss/surrender) boy but ‘gila gambar’ boys.

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002845442 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002849146 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002857487 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002873704

hahaha….the coach said he’s improved..good3.

i donno why boseong laugh..

but then..Hyungjoon win again..huhu

soohyun GG!!

Then U-kiss Ace come!! Kim KiBeom!! Ukiss; Kim Kibeom Fighting!! th_100_

Hyungjoon said, before he joined the MBCgame Hero and trained by the real progamer (SHARK and other players) he loss 7 games from 10 games when he play starcraft with his brother..that’s sucks. Now..lets see what happen after trained at least 4 hours a day with SHARK (MBCgame Hero’s captain)

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_002987718 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003075405 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003144774 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003146576 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003184381 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003191855 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003207204 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003217614 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003222886 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003225255

Kibeom GG!! ALL KILL YO!!

Hyungjoon was so happy!!

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003249179 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003250146 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003251281

owh~ so jealous to these 2 brothers love..huhu..100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003272135

MBCgame Hero team also happy to him..haha..3ca8b998

i saw Shark was jumping2..LOL

and the battle ended!! huhu..congrat HYUNGJOON oppa for win this battle. d5f02ecd

Fighting oppa, i hope Hyungjoon oppa wont give up for being a progamer although the show ended already. cepat jer 10eps habis..

I hope Hyungjoon oppa will register and play for courange in May,herohi_thumb show his desire to be a progamer although the show ended, shut the appa gom’s mouth! he said Hyungjoon oppa is not serious!! how dare!

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003318515 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003320383

Good Luck to Hyungjoon oppa if he play!!

let win the game..atleast 3 player!! please^^ th_100_

waiting for his good news..! wonder which team will offer him a place if he get his progamer licence. MBCgame Hero? SKT1, AirFore?? erm…dunno others…dun remember..LOL

Behind the scene…the coaches

ulasan appa gom mmg kejam..7f5341ccTT_TT

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003327424

this comment is to kiseob…LOL mmg kejam

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003332796 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003338435 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003340303 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003343440 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003362926 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003368031 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003368598 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003369833

chwi2?? O.O 3c68bb64

coach lee…

100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003371000 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003399396 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003405034 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003408972

ROFL….aigoo why ooriomma keep mumbling~ kan dh kn dgn appa gom..LOL100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003419749 100224 Hyung Joon Ep5.mp4_003424954


jumpe lagi next time..have a nice day everybody!!fadeba4z


  1. Haven't watched this. >.<
    The way unnie explain about it excites me to watch it soon. Ahahaha! XD

    Kawaiiiiiii~~~~~ XDD

  2. pheww...finally abes jugak bace..woah yoyo..leh jadik penyampai cerita..giler detail gakz..hoho..neway thanks for those comments at my blog...^^
    do come often n already added u in my group lists..hehehe
