
Saturday, April 10, 2010

I hate april fool

yes i know im kind a late 3eb4e7b3 ..but just..

today somebody said, my blog is cute because of the onion head0fbbf481 ..thx na~3ca8b998 so i got the feeling to update my blog, and this is the first topic that pop up in my mind…

you know, i hate being prank, tricked anything related to im being fooled!! 4d6161fd

you know this april fool, i ‘kena’ twice!! headdownohnocrying_thumb

okay lemme tell you the first one..

i open 2oneday, n i read about Jay being offered to be in eclipse, i know its kinda doesn’t make sense67cvgh78 but still because of its jay, i so happy to know that~onion-head39 i feel like i was jumping up to the roof that day!! crying for victory coz jay kinda succeed after left JYPe47gsdc51 . Hajiman..the next day i read that its an april fool, 3c68bb64WTH!! but hey!! they post that on april 2nd, i can be mad at them!4d6161fd im so wanna did this!! 63d4808b onion-head04022b

then today, i read about the Kibumie left SM!!8c460310im so freak out! e111de78

i feel like uselessonion-head33 ( onion-head92 as an ELF)and onion-head30at the same time sad because he will be leaving but then0eeeff42..i read the comment..owh~ it was posted on April 1 and i just read ut today..and i tricked…and i going mad to that whoever did that fake news!!!!! 8dcf9699

that’s my lame story…im sorry for my language..but i didn’t curse right..LOL

lets not get tricked next year.. onion-head71

have a nice day everyone!!fadeba4z

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha.. It's been a long time I didn't get the April Fool things.. I'm so happy for that. Be more careful next year, yeah yoyo? :D
